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Anthony Adventures - TAS Summer Program

Anthony Adventures Await

Day Camp & Enrichment Camps

Join us for a summer of fun at our Anthony Adventures Summer Camps! 

The Anthony School offers day camp and enrichment sessions that allow children to explore their passions. Students will have memorable summer experiences where they can tap into their talents across a broad range of camps in a fun and relaxed play-based environment. 

Anthony Adventures day camp (for students entering PreK4 through 4th grades) offers full day camp (7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.). Students entering PreK4 and Kindergarten must be currently enrolled (or enrolled for the 2025-2026 school year) at The Anthony School. You should register your child for the grade they will be entering for the 2025-2026 school year. 

In addition, students can enroll in enrichment camps which are taught by TAS teachers, parents, and alums at various times (enrichment camps are available for students entering PreK3 through 8th grades). Students can enroll in day camp, enrichment camps, or both!


Day camp registration is now open for TAS families. Enrichment camp registration will open in early March.

How do I register for Anthony Adventures Summer Camps?

  • Click on Camps/Events (below) to see all of our summer day camps and enrichment camp opportunities. We have a wide variety of camps - use the filter features to look for camps for your child's age. You can also see our listing of enrichment camps on our June Enrichment Camps page and July Enrichment Camps page. 

  • Create a profile and add your child(ren). You will have to register separately if you are registering more than one child.

Questions? Email Amanda Taylor, Director of Programming.